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About the company


RiMtechenergo is an engineering company specializing both in the supply of equipment and materials for electrical purposes, and in the design, construction, production and implementation of new types of electrical equipment for network, industrial and private facilities

The main activity of the company is the integration of automated commercial electricity metering systems (ACEMS), including the implementation of energy service contracts with the implementation of a full range of services:

  • Pre-project survey;
  • Design and survey work;
  • Supply of equipment and materials for the implementation of projects at a distribution cost (metering devices, data collection and transmission devices, high-range antennas, communication repeaters, electricity metering cabinets, current transformers, self-supporting insulated wire and fittings for it);
  • Construction and installation works;
  • Start-up and adjustment works;
  • Warranty service to keep the system in working condition.

RiMtechenergo serves a large number of companies, government organizations and wholesale buyers on a monthly basis and develops technical solutions for enterprises to meet specific requirements, creates turnkey ACEMS.

Over the past 10 years, strong partnerships have been established with leading manufacturers of electrical equipment.

In addition, RiMtechenergo is developing and implementing new types of products based on current innovative technologies in the following areas:

  • Electric energy storage systems based on lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors;
  • Systems of operational direct current for substations;
  • Hybrid power generation plants (combining solar, wind, hydro, diesel generation);
  • Electric filling stations;
  • Uninterruptible power supplies.

Products & Solutions

RiMtechenergo company has the competence and experience to develop complex unique equipment, which includes solutions in various areas:

  • microelectronics;
  • power electronics and converter technology;
  • high-level control and dispatching systems;
  • electrochemical technologies;
  • renewable energy sources;
  • power supply and analysis of network processes;
  • design of electrical devices and switchboard equipment etc.

The company's staff has a unique experience that allows them to carry out all stages of development - from the initial analysis of needs and the preparation of technical requirements to the implementation of the developed and manufactured equipment, maintenance of its operation throughout the entire life cycle.

Automated information and measuring systems for commercial electricity metering (ASСEM)

Automated information and measuring systems for commercial electricity metering (ASСEM)

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Operational direct current systems (ODCS) based on LFP batteries

Operational direct current systems (ODCS) based on LFP batteries

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Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) with storage devices based on lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors

Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) with storage devices based on lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors

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Energy storage systems based on lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors

Energy storage systems based on lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors

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Electric vehicle charging stations

Electric vehicle charging stations

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Hybrid Power Plant with Renewable Generation for Remote Sites

Hybrid Power Plant with Renewable Generation for Remote Sites

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Promising projects

Mini hydro power plant

Mini hydro power plant

Short description:

Hydropower is one of the cheapest and most accessible types of renewable energy. The potential for small hydro generation on small mountain rivers and streams in Russia is enormous.

RiMtekhenergo LLC conducts research and development work on the development of small packaged hydro-generating stations of submersible and pressure types.

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Wind turbine

Wind turbine

Short description:

Classical wind generators with a horizontally located axis have a number of disadvantages - low efficiency, the need to be oriented to the wind, and low reliability.

The projects of RiMtekhenergo company require the use of reliable and unpretentious units that can withstand hurricane gusts, operate for a long time in hard-to-reach regions without maintenance under difficult weather conditions.

Finding such units on the modern market is not easy, so it was decided to conduct R&D.

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Combined electric charging station with EESS

Combined electric charging station with EESS

Short description:

A promising product - an electric refueling station with an energy storage system, made in a single shell, is currently under development.

This system is designed for installation at points with low available power connection to the power grid and allows you to install a fast charging station for electric vehicles without capital construction, long-term site preparation.

The solution can be considered as temporary - after the installation of more powerful overhead and cable lines, the supply of more power, the installation can be transported to a new point of operation. For highways with low passability of electric transport, the solution can be considered as the main one.

The capacity of the accumulation system is determined by the peak power consumption of the built-in charging stations, and the energy intensity is determined by the frequency of vehicle charging.

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Service and warranty service.

Service and warranty service.

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Construction and installation works

Construction and installation works

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Supply of equipment and materials for projects

Supply of equipment and materials for projects

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Design and survey work

Design and survey work

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Pre-project survey

Pre-project survey

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Our partners


Main office

RiMtechenergo LLC, Russia, 630082, Novosibirsk, st. Dachnaya, 60/1, office 28

+7(383) 367-05-42 rimtehenergo@mail.ru

Whatsapp / Telegram

+7(383) 367-05-42

Our staff

Metalnikov Denis Gennadievich

Metalnikov Denis Gennadievich

Executive Director

Ivanov Innokenty Moiseevich

Ivanov Innokenty Moiseevich


Savitsky Alexey Mikhailovich

Savitsky Alexey Mikhailovich

Head of the SNE Department