
Automated information and measuring systems for commercial electricity metering (ASСEM)

Automated information and measuring systems for commercial electricity metering (ASСEM)


ASCEM is a hierarchical system that includes measuring devices and subsystems, means of collecting and transmitting data, and information and computing tools and algorithms.

The system is built on the basis of a complex of hardware and technical means, has the widest functionality in terms of data collection, analysis and network management based on them.

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Detailed description

System functions:

  • collection of meter readings (interrogation according to the schedule or upon request);
  • transmission and concentration of data in processing nodes;
  • data analysis (availability, accessibility, operability of instruments, their readings, completeness and reliability of the data obtained, etc.);
  • ogging of events;
  • remote load management (possibility to disconnect subscribers);
  • provision of reports in the forms necessary for further actions).

The design and construction of automated information and measurement systems for commercial electricity metering (ASCEM) is based on the concept of integrating data from various information systems, which allows you to choose the most rational, convenient and cost-effective approach to automating energy consumption metering. In a generalized form, ASCEM can be represented as consisting of three levels:

Upper - corporate governance;

Medium - integration level;

Lower - measuring level.

The complex of technical means produced by the enterprises of the RiM group includes everything necessary for the creation of full-fledged ASCEM:

  • metering devices for direct and indirect (transformer) switching;
  • multi-tariff, high-voltage metering devices (6-10 kV);
  • data collection and transmission devices;
  • interface modules for organizing various communication channels (RF radio channel, PLC power network, industrial network RS-485, GSM, GPRS);
  • software for automated data collection and processing;
  • high voltage switches;
  • electrical energy accounting cabinets.